man using hyperice percussion massager
Hyperice, CoreFirst and more of the industry's latest Fit Tech available for purchase in-club!

Get the latest fitness technology

Get the latest in fitness technology and equipment at Fitness World

Fitness World offers a variety of tools, equipment and wearables, available for purchase at all Fitness World locations. Get your hands on the latest from Hyperice, MyZone, CoreFirst and more at your nearest Fitness World.



Current In-Club Offers

Hyperice: Transform with Technology

Hyperice’s suite of fit tech products help to relieve tension, unlock sore muscles, and prime your body and mind to be at their best, so you can always find the simple fun in doing what you love to do, more. Select gym equipment and fitness wearables are available for purchase at Fitness World.

Available for purchase in-club at Fitness World

Hypervolt 2.0 Pro Percussion Massager
Activate with the Vyper Vibration Roller
Pinpoint tension with the Hypersphere

CoreFirst: Get the Pilates experience anytime, anywhere

The Corefirst Pilates System is the world’s most portable and affordable Pilates Reformer-inspired experience. The Corefirst allows you to let go and move ‘the work’ from your hands and arms to your core for fast and effective results.

Available for purchase in-club at Fitness World

Non-slip, fabric Circle Band set
Complete CoreFirst on-the-go pilates sytem

MyZone: Follow your Heart Rate

Make your physical activity count with a heart rate monitor that rewards effort over ability. Plus, connect with a community, compete and challenge yourself!

Available for purchase in-club at Fitness World

MZ-Switch, Interchangeable exercise tracker for the gym, outdoors or in water.